
5431:学部ホール。ハイサイドライトからの光と、木架構の影が空間に変化を与える。2:アリーナ。3:多目的ルーム。4:管理棟の車寄せ。5:管理棟の昇降口。1: Classroom building hall. Light entering through the high skylight and the play of shadow through the wooden beam structure give a lively variety to the space.2: The Arena (gymnasium).3: Multipurpose room.4: Porch along the administration building.5: Administration building hallway.管理棟ほとんどの子どもたちが保護者による車の送迎で登下校するため、車が同時に多数並ぶことのできる車寄せ庇を設けました。車寄せ庇は大型車や緊急車両の寄り付き、車いすでの移動を考慮し、奥行き・高さとも約4mの十分な広さをもった空間としました。庇下は、日々変わる子どもたちの体調について、先生方と保護者がコミュニケーションを取り合う重要な場となっています。Administration BuildingSince most of the children are brought to the school and picked up by their parents by car, we created a long porch area to simultaneously accommodate a large number of cars. The porch eaves extend about 4 meters, providing a depth and height that adequately shelters large-sized vehicles or emergency vehicles, and allows for movement of wheelchairs. This capacious porch has become an important site where the teachers and parents/guardians communicate about the children, whose condition changes day to day. 多目的ルーム敷地形状に合わせ、またどの教室棟からも近い「バナナ状」の平面としました。ランチルームとしての機能も併せもち、ハイサイドライトから自然光が溢れる居心地の良い場所を目指しました。屋根は北側の隣地に対して高さを抑えたすり鉢状とし、採光と近隣配慮の両立を意図しています。屋根架構は衛生面を考慮し、スチール併用の張弦梁構造とし、極力埃が溜まらないよう配慮しました。Multipurpose RoomFollowing the curve of the site, this long, slender “banana-shaped” room that also serves as the lunchroom, is easily accessed from all the classroom buildings. It is a warm, bright and comfortable space infused with light from high-level skylights and faces the greenery outside. The roof slants down on the north side both to open up the skylight and in consideration of the surrounding neighborhood. For hygienic reasons, the roof truss is not made only of wood, but features a wood and steel composite beam string structure designed to minimize surfaces where dust can gather.132016 Summer 27


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