
212豊かな田園風景に佇む保育園の改築計画です。新たな園舎が子どもの感受性を刺激する場となることと、風景になじむ群景を形づくるよう計画を進めました。1年で活動能力が大きく変化する乳幼児の生活の場=保育室は、各歳児の特性に合わせて異なる平断面構成とし、園庭との関係性も重視した分散配置としました。保育室間は共用の廊下やテラス、屋上広場でつなぎ、建物全体が立体的な回遊性をもつ、子どもの遊び場として計画しています。また、同時に整備した隣接の特別養護老人ホームとは、リング状の庇と園庭で結びました。園児・高齢者・家族・スタッフが交わり、園児の社会性醸成や高齢者のクオリティ・オブ・ライフ(QOL)に寄与する、地域の「多世代交流」の場づくりを企図したものです。This project entailed a plan for rebuilding a day care center located in a beautiful rural setting. The design was developed to create a stimulating environment conducive to fostering the sensibilities of small children and to form a village-like cluster that would blend in with the landscape. In accordance with the characteristics of children of each age-level, the rooms where the children spend their days—their activities and abilities developing rapidly during each year—are all different in layout and relationship to the playground. The rooms are linked by the central corridor and terrace as well as the rooftop open space, and the building as a whole is designed as a rambling, three-dimensional play space. The playground and encircling covered corridor link the day care center to the intensive-care old people’s home built simultaneously next door. The design attempts to create cross-generational space in the community where interaction among children, elders, families, and staff contributes to the socialization of children and the quality of life of elders.建築主 社会福祉法人 阿南福祉会|延べ面積 1,484m2構造 木造、鉄筋コンクリート造使用木材 スギ(徳島県産)、ヒノキ、ベイマツ集成材Client Anan Welfare Association|Total floor area 1,484m2 Structure Wood and reinforced concreteTimber Cedar(Tokushima-grown), Japanese cypress, and laminated douglas fir 感受性を育む多様な成育空間Diverse Caregiving Spaces Foster Healthy Children阿南保育園|徳島県阿南市|2015Anan Nursery School|Anan, Tokushima Pref. |20151:点在する各歳児の「家」を庇がつなぐ。2:田園に囲まれた園児・高齢者・家族の交流の拠点。1: The separate “homes” of the children are linked by overlapping eaves.2: Surrounded by green fields, the complex is a venue of interchange among the children at the school, the elders living in the adjacent intensive-care home, and their families.神津昌哉/津田 文|日建設計 設計部門佐々木隆允|日建設計 エンジニアリング部門Masaya Kohzu / Fumi TsudaArchitectural Design Department, Nikken SekkeiTakamasa Sasaki|Engineering Department, Nikken Sekkei142016 Summer 27WORKSFeature | Pushing the Possibilities for Architecture in WoodPhotography|pp.14–17(P.16写真3を除く/except 3 of p.16):道下和亮/Kazuaki Michishita


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