
3歳児保育室Three-year-olds’ room2歳児保育室Two-year-olds’ room廊下CorridorテラスTerraceテラスTerrace2階を介して2・3歳児保育室がつながるThe two- and three-year-olds’ rooms are connected via the second floor木造現しの屋根架構The wooden beams of the roof structure are visible鉄骨柱Steel columnRC躯体Reinforced concrete structure棟梁を支える木柱(円柱)Round main posts support the beams2階床も部分的に木造としているPart of the second-story floor is also of wood木造Wooden structureRC造Reinforced concrete structure1空間に多様性をもたらす構造形式構造形式はRC造の廊下や屋上広場に木造の保育室が嵌入した平面・立面混構造としました。そのため柔らかい木造と硬いRC造の境界部に集中する変形と力に対し、接合部や木部で力を安全に伝達させ、かつ脆性的な破壊が生じないよう工夫しています。保育室の屋根は、居室の対角線に沿って稜線形を描く特徴的な形状で外観上の統一性をもたせつつ、円柱や方杖、張弦梁などの異なる棟梁の支持方法により、室内に多様性をもたせました。遊戯室はステージ上に象徴的なトラスアーチ架構をかけ、大きな片流れ屋根を支えています。木造部は徳島県産スギの製材を用いた木造軸組工法を採用しました。342Types of Structures Created by Diverse Spaces We created a laterally and vertically mixed structural system in which the reinforced concrete structure of the corridors and the second-floor rooftop play area is interlocked with the wood-frame structure housing the day care rooms. Measures were therefore taken against the displacement and force that concentrates on the junctures between the soft wooden structures and the rigid RC structures, by safely transmitting the force to the joining area and wooden section and preventing brittle fracture. From the outside, the roofs of the day care rooms are consistent in their distinctive ridgelines running diagonally from opposite corners; inside, the use of different supporting beam structures utilizing circular columns, braces, beam strings, and other features give each room a distinctive character. The playroom has a symbolically shaped truss arching over the stage that supports the large shed roof. The wooden parts of the building follow wood-frame structural methods using locally milled Tokushima-grown cedar. 1:遊戯室。ランチタイムにトップライトから光が降り注ぐ。2:3歳児保育室。3–4:県産のスギ製材を用いた保育室の屋根架構。1: Playroom. Daylight pours in through the skylight at lunchtime.2: The three-year olds’ room.3–4: The roof structures of day care rooms are made with Tokushima-grown cedar timber.棟梁 150×360Ridge beam登梁 105×210@455Gable beam2・3歳児保育室断面図|Section of the two-year-olds’ and three-year-olds’ rooms, scale 1:200162016 Summer 27WORKSFeature | Pushing the Possibilities for Architecture in Wood


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