
2016年4月14日より「平成28年熊本地震」が発生しました。本稿執筆時点で、震度7の観測を2回含む一連の地震活動が続き、熊本県や大分県をはじめとする各地で甚大な被害をこうむりました。犠牲となられた方々に哀悼の意を表しますとともに、被災された皆様方に心からお見舞い申し上げます。─弊社では、地震発生後ただちに、設計・監理を担当させていただいた建物について被害状況の調査を始めました。4月15日8時に調査班本部を本社に立ち上げて、情報収集、建物の復旧支援に取り組んでいます。─今回の地震は、阪神・淡路大震災、東日本大震災とも異なる様相の揺れと被害をもたらしました。自然現象に向き合うわれわれ設計者の責務をあらためて痛感しているところです。建築・都市・環境の専門家集団である日建グループとして、災害からの早期復興と防災、未来の創造に向けて、取り組んでまいります。株式会社 日建設計代表取締役 社長 亀井忠夫The first shocks of the Kumamoto Earthquake took place on April 14, 2016 and even as I write this message, strong tremors, including two at the highest level on the Japanese scale, are continuing. Many areas, mainly in Kumamoto and Oita prefectures, have suffered tremendous damage. I would like to express our sincerest condolences for the loss of those who died in the quakes and the many who have been driven from their homes by the disaster.─Soon after the first reports of the earthquake, Nikken Sekkei began to investigate the extent of damage suffered by buildings it had designed and/or supervised. As of 8:00 a.m. on April 15th, an earthquake damage survey headquarters was set up at Nikken’s head office and it continues to gather information and assist with restoration and support for buildings that suffered damage.─The shaking experienced in the Kumamoto Earthquake differs both in the nature of the tremors and the resulting damage from what was observed in the Kobe Earthquake of 1995 and the Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami of 2011, bringing home to us again the heavy responsibilities of architectural designers whose work grapples directly with the forces of natural phenomena. As professionals working with architecture, the city, and the environment, the Nikken Group is committed to early reconstruction from disaster, disaster prevention, and building for the future.Tadao KameiPresident and CEO, NIKKEN SEKKEI LTD平成28年(2016年)熊本地震によせてResponding to the Kumamoto Earthquake 2016032016 Summer 27


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