
劇場機能の充実─市民による文化創造新たな文化創造の場となる市民劇場への転換として、映像演劇、ダンス、音楽など、幅広い利用を可能にする改修を行いました。前舞台と前フライタワーを増設した広い奥行の舞台は、公演の自由度を高くしながら、客席との一体感をつくり出します。客席の両袖には、客席から舞台へアプローチできる通路兼用の鳥とやぐち屋口を設け、フロントサイドスポット照明に加え、テクニカルギャラリーなどの設置によって、多様でドラマチックな演出が可能です。客席は、ゆったりと公演を観賞できるようスペースを広げました。 全面的な内装の改修に加え、音響・映像・照明設備を一新、各所の防音性能と外断熱による外壁の断熱性能も向上させています。Metamorphosis of a Theater: Citizen Initiative for Cultural Creativity The old hall was remodeled as a sophisticated theater, equipped for a wide variety of performing arts—film showings, plays, dance, orchestral, choral, and other music, and so on—that will make the new center the scene of ongoing cultural creativity. By adding the proscenium and a rigging system above, the stage was made deeper, bringing the audience closer to the performers and adding flexibility in the staging. Two side aisles immediately outside the hall give the performers and the audience a way to move between the stage and the seats through doorways leading to the backstage areas. The front spotlights and the acoustic wall protrusions make possible a variety of dramatic stage settings. The space between the seats was widened for greater audience comfort and appreciation of the performance. In addition to revamping the overall interior, the audio, video, and lighting equipment were all upgraded, and improvements were made to acoustic and thermal insulation performance throughout.客席天井の撤去による音響性能の向上耐震安全性の向上のために既設天井を撤去。既設屋根の構造を表しにし、気積を増加させることで、残響時間を改修前の1.57秒から最大1.9秒に改善しました。Improving Acoustics by Removing Auditorium CeilingThe existing ceiling was removed to improve safety in case of earthquakes. Exposure of the existing roof structure increased the air volume, allowing for an acoustical reverberation time of 1.9 seconds.4動線の見直しエントランスを庇下に増設し、ホワイエをゆったり広く確保しながら、既存各施設を結ぶ動線を設けました。また、既存舞台後方施設のプランを見直し、楽屋や連絡通路の増築により利便性を向上させました。Reevaluating the Circulation PatternBy adding the new entrance under the eaves, we created a large entrance foyer that connects the various existing areas of the facility. The back stage area was reevaluated, and dressing rooms and passageways were added to improve convenience for users.35Photography|1, 3, 5–6: 日建設計/Nikken Sekkei|2, 4:エスエス/SS6192017 Summer31


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