
2空調ダクトの外部化によるホール客席の静かな音環境空調給気ダクトを分岐し外部化することで、吹き出し風速を3m/秒から1m/秒に低減させ、音楽にふさわしい静かな音環境を達成しています。また、ダクト目隠しと日射負荷の低減を兼ねた外部ルーバーによって、建物の新たな顔づくりも行っています。Air-Conditioning Ducts Placed Outside to Cut Ambient Noise The supply air speed was lowered from 3m/second to 1m/second by branching the ducts and placing them on the building exterior, thereby ensuring the quiet environment appropriate for musical performances. New exterior louvers installed to conceal the ducts as well as reduce the solar radiation load contribute to the new exterior appearance of the building.13まちに溶け込むスケール古くからの城下町、岡崎。周辺は旧東海道の町家や寺社が残る、緑の多い地域です。建物の外観は、町家のもつ親しみやすいスケールと入りやすい雰囲気を大切にしました。Halls to Blend into the TownOkazaki is a historic castle town. Lush greenery as well as traditional town-house machiya dwellings, temples, and shrines from the days of the old Tokaido highway remain in the periphery of the site. The design of the building exteriors evokes the approachable scale and warm ambience for which the old machiya are known.客席の色調調整によるホール内の一体感緞帳の画は、改修前と変わらない、歌川広重の東海道五十三次で描かれた岡崎です。改修では客席の色合いを緞帳と合わせ、浮世絵の中に入り込むような一体感を演出しています。Seating and Curtain Color Coordination The pre-renovation curtain showing Okazaki as depicted in Hiroshige’s “Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido” was retained. In the renovations, the color of the seating was updated to coordinate with the tapestry of the curtain, augmenting the integration of the audience and stage.202017 Summer31WORKSFeature | A Hall Open to the City and Its Inhabitants


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