
[フォーラム後記|Forum Epilogue]「逃げ地図」を簡単な道具を用いて作成する方法や、地域住民にワークショップを通じて伝達する手法については、日建設計ボランティア部のメンバーが開発しました。しかし、ワークショップに関する専門性がなく、被災地に限らず沿岸部の市町村に対するつながりも乏しかったため、のちの展開を考えあぐねていました。 ちょうどその頃、陸前高田市でお会いしていた山本先生から、研究活動に逃げ地図を活用したいとのお話をいただきました。ともに一般社団法人「子ども安全まちづくりパートナーズ」で活動されている山本先生と木下先生は、まちづくりワークショップの草分け的存在です。「逃げ地図」の普及にとってこれ以上ないベストコンビにお声がけいただけたのは、今振り返ると奇跡だと思います。 「逃げ地図」は、小中学校や高校などでも防災教育や地域貢献のために利用され始め、高知、和歌山、静岡、神奈川、宮城、岩手など、さまざまな地区町村で継続的に活用されています。津波リスクに限らず、埼玉県秩父市では土砂災害のための地区防災計画のプロセスに公式に組み込まれるなど、新しい活用も始まっています。研究活動を超えた、社会やまちづくりへの先生方の思いがあってこそのものと分かる、感動的な講演でした。 [ファシリテーター:羽鳥達也]Nikken Sekkei’s Volunteer Team developed ways to create Run and Escape maps using simple tools and methods to communicate with local residents via workshops. However, the team had neither the expertise regarding workshops, nor any connection to the disaster areas or the coastal areas. The team was at a loss for how to further their efforts. It was then that Professor Yamamoto, whom the team had met at Rikuzentakata in Iwate pre-fecture, approached them about using the map for his research. Professor Yamamoto and Professor Kinoshita, who have worked together at an asso-ciation called Community Design Partners for Children’s Safety, are pioneers of community design workshops. It was a near miracle that the volunteers were contacted by the best individuals possible to spread the Run and Escape Map. The map is now in use at elementary, secondary, and other schools for disaster preparedness education and as part of community contribution activities, and is also used by various municipalities in places such as Kochi, Wakayama, Shizuoka, Kanagawa, Miyagi, and Iwate prefectures. In addition to addressing the dangers of tsunami, the map is now being used in new ways, for example as part of the local disaster planning process for landslide disaster preparedness efforts in the Chichibu mountains. The professors’ lectures were marvelous, impressing us with how personally committed they are to making society and cities better beyond their research activities. [Facilitator: Tatsuya Hatori]Visualizing RiskThe Run and Escape Map was developed with the hope that new evacuation center studies and reconstruction plans would benefit if the uncertainties of disasters could be objec-tified by visualization and by sharing information about flood risks and escape routes. Escape plan design approaches for large-scale facilities were used. With a speed of 43 meters per minute for an elderly per-son walking up a slope as a guideline, escape routes to the evacuation center are color-coded in three-minute segments. Green indicates safety, while red and darker colors indicate higher risks. This allows the viewer to instantly understand danger zones and the direction of escape routes. Furthermore, the escape routes change colors as evacuation centers are added, helping to make the evacuation measures visual. While the maps began as a response to the 2011 earth-quake and tsunami disaster in Tohoku, they can also be applied for other disasters such as landslides and flooding.Connecting Communities and GenerationsEven more valuable than the Run and Escape maps them-selves is the communication platform they offer people of a community to think together about disaster preparedness by attending workshops and other events. The Run and Escape Map workshops are now utilized in government agency train-ing and disaster preparedness education. Communities use them in a variety of ways, such as in the creation of communi-ty disaster plans. The cooperation among generations and communities shown through the making of Run and Escape maps was selected as a research project by RISTEX,*1 which prompted the preparation of the Manual for Making Run and Escape Maps.*2 Various players are necessary in social implemen-tation, but an environment is taking shape for autonomous deployment of the map by NPOs, schools, and architectural and other organizations all over Japan based on the manual and on their own past experiences. Demand for this know-how is now coming from various countries outside Japan.Disaster Preparation You Can Start NowPutting the hardware in place for disaster prevention such as building seawalls takes a long time. Thinking together among people of all ages in a community about where and how to evacuate to survive is very important for independent disaster prevention from now on. We hope communities will keep dis-aster prevention awareness alive using platforms that anyone can create with simple tools like colored pencils and string, as with the Run and Escape Map.*1 RISTEX: e Research Institute for Science and Technology for Society is an organization within the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), the national research and development agency.*2 e manual is available free of charge on the Run and Escape Map website at http://nigechizu.com.192018 SPRING34FORUM

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