
131–3 : 敷地は準工業地域に位置し、北側斜線・高度斜線・日影規制に加えて、許容容積率が低いなど制限が多かった。また、戸建住宅が建ち並ぶ地域でもあり、窓を開放したままにすることも難しい。斜め向かいにはもう1つの研究所が位置し、研究員の行き来も多いことから、双方の連携を図ることも求められた。1 –3: The site is zoned as light industrial, but there were many restrictions such as low oor area ratio, in addition to north-side set backs, height restrictions, and shadow restrictions. Using windows for ventilation is dicult, as leaving windows open in a residential area is undesirable. In addition, we were asked to provide a linkage between this and the building across the street for researchers going back and forth.2Photography|pp. 04–09: 野田東徳[雁光舎]/Harunori Noda [Gankohsha]052020 SUMMER43Feature | WORKS

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