Amity with Environment 2006 From Town to Building March, 2006

既存樹木を残すことや既設校舎の床フローリング材の再生利用など、地域の記憶を残すことも環境への取り組みのひとつ。Existing trees were left in place, and the wooden floors of the old school building were reused. Leaving the community’s memories intact was another one of the environmental measures断面図。熱負荷の低減は、建物形状をシンプルにして外壁面積を減らすことと、外断熱、高断熱サッシの採用で外皮の熱性能を向上させることにより実現。Cross section. Thermal loads were reduced by keeping the building form simple, to reduce theoutside wall area, and using exterior insulation and highly-insulative sash windows to raise theinsulation performance of the building skin.多目的室は、トップライトや周辺の自然環境に開いた大きな開口部を持つ空間で、風の道、光の道など環境装置を兼ねる。The multi-purpose rooms are spaces equipped with toplights andlarge openings to the surrounding natural environment, making theman environmental device that provides a path for wind and light.ー20℃でエコスクールを実現する中標津中学校外断熱、自然通風、自然採光など日常的な技術の集積によって実現した、イニシャルコストに負担をかけない「北海道型エコスクール」です。中標津町は、冬期の-20℃から夏期の30℃まで温度差が大きいことから、熱負荷の低減がテーマのひとつでした。外壁面積を減らし、外断熱、高断熱サッシの採用するなど、外皮の熱性能向上を図りました。また、厳寒の外部環境から室内を守りながら、太陽の光と熱を取り入れ、明るく健康的で開放的な空間とするために、吹抜けをもつ2つの多目的室をつくりました。風の道、光の道などの環境装置の役割も担っています。この学校に通う生徒や先生たちから環境への意識が高まり、環境にやさしいまちづくりが始まっています。菅原秀見Realizing and eco school at -20℃Nakashibetsu Junior High SchoolThis is a Hokkaido-style Eco School, achieved without aburden of initial costs through a concentration of everydaytechnologies such as external insulation, natural ventilation andnatural lighting. Nakashibetsu has a wide range of temperature, from -20℃in winter to 30℃in summer, so reduction of thermal loads was amajor theme. Reduced surface area of outside walls, externalinsulation, highly-insulative sash windows and other measures wereemployed to enhance the thermal performance of the skin.Two multi-purpose rooms with a double floor opening wereconstructed as a way of letting in the heat and light of the sun whileprotecting the interior from the bitter cold outside, creating a healthy,open space. It also serves as an environmental device, as a path forwind and light. The students and teachers who attend this schoolhave gained a greater awareness of the environment, and anenvironment-friendly kind of development has begun in the town.Hidemi SugawaraBuilding/ Dialog with the natural environmentLight and natural lighting33環境親話2006まちから建築へ 日建設計―FACT-NIKKEN SEKKEI


