Amity with Environment 2006 From Town to Building March, 2006

平面図。中心のの部分が「多機能ボイド」。Floor plan. The central yellow portions are the Multi-function voids.室内廊下から見た「多機能ボイド」。将来の大改修では、環境負荷と工事費を大幅に削減できる。A“Multi-function Void,”as seen from an interior corridor. The environmental loads andconstruction costs of future major refurbishment works will be substantially reduced.ニッセイ新大阪耐震性、安全性、利便性、快適性を取り入れたハイクオリティオフィスを目指すと同時に、ライフサイクルで環境負荷を削減する「長寿命建築」へ取組んだオフィスビルです。さまざまな実効的な省エネルギー手法を採用し、ライフサイクルでのCO2発生量を25%削減しました。長寿命化をサポートする工夫の代表的なものとして、オフィス階の中央に主要な設備メイン竪配管を通す「多機能ボイド」と呼ぶ2つの外部吹き抜け空間を設けました。この空間は、自然採光や給排気、設備機器搬出入にも役立っています。また、改修・更新のしやすさを長寿命化に必須の条件と考え、主要機械室を搬出入が容易な低層階に設けると共に、それぞれにリプレイススペースを確保し、ビル機能を維持しながら工事が行えるようにしました。多機能ボイドの活用を中心とした長寿命化技術の採用で、建物の生涯で必ず経験する設備の大改修工事での環境負荷と工事費の大幅な削減が期待できます。水出喜太郎Nissay Shin-Osaka BuildingThis was intended to be a high-quality office building,designed for earthquake resistance, safety, convenience andcomfort, as well as being a long-life building that would reduceenvironmental loads through its lifespan. Various practicalenergy-saving methods have been employed to cut life cycleCO2 by 25%.As an example of measures to support longer lifespan,there are two exterior atrium spaces called "Multi-functionalVoids" in the center of each office floor. They are also useful forcapturing natural light, moving air in and out, and facilitating themovement of building services equipment into and out of thebuilding. The main machine rooms have been placed on lowfloors, where it is easier to move machinery in and out, and eachmachine room has replacement space, allowing buildingfunctions to remain on line while the work proceeds. The use of long-life technologies, centered on the use ofthe Multi-function Voids, will substantially reduce theenvironmental loads and construction costs involved in a majorequipment refurbishment, which is something that happenswithin the lifespan of any building.Kitaro Mizuide断面図。自然採光、配管・ダクトスペース、屋上設備機器搬出入ルート、空調用給排気スペースと多様に活用できる「多機能ボイド」。Cross section The Multi-function Voids can be used forintake of natural light, pipe and duct space, routes forcarrying service equipment to and from the roof, and airconditioning air supply and venting space.事務室OfficeBuildings/ Use buildings for longer37環境親話2006まちから建築へ 日建設計―FACT-NIKKEN SEKKEI


