Amity with Environment 2006 From Town to Building March, 2006

既存斜面の景観と緑を生かして育てることを基本に、建物は背景の山並みを阻害しないよう徹底した低層化と分節化を図り、土地造成規模を縮小。The buildings were kept strictly low-rise and subdivided to avoid blocking the view to the mountains in the background. The existing slope of the land and the vegetation were used and landscaping earthworks were kept to a minimum.環境保全の意識を高めるため、既存樹の保護移植や林間散歩道の設置によって、既存林を里山環境として創造し、手に触れられる自然を生活に取り込む。Existing trees were preserved or relocated, and walking paths were laid between the trees,to raise awareness of environmental conservation. The trees were used to create a“satoyama”pattern of mountain cultivation and land use, bringing a hands-on experienceof nature into people’s lives.中庭形式の建物とすることで、緑豊かな斜面地が持つ自然の力をそのまま取り入れて活用。The inclusion of a courtyard in the building brings in and exploits the forceof nature embodied in sloping land with abundant vegetation.立地に根ざした伝統的な自然素材を活用する総合地球環境学研究所京都に建てられた文部科学省共同利用機関の、中庭のあるキャンパス型研究所と戸建感覚の宿泊施設付きのセミナー棟からなる研究・研修施設です。ここでは、地球環境学の研究施設に相応しく、自然環境を活かし、周辺環境に配慮したさまざまな工夫を行っています。先端環境配慮技術とともに 古くから使われてきた環境負荷の小さい自然材料を活用し、環境に優しく古都の景観にも馴染みやすい建物作りを目指しています。特に外装は、瓦・杉板・煉瓦を、外構は再生枕木、リサイクルウッドチップ舗装材等、環境に優しい材料を積極的に使っています。岡本 隆Design that makes the most of local,traditional naturalmaterialsResearch Institute for Humanity and NatureThe research and training facility in Kyoto comprise a campus-like research institute, built around a courtyard, and a seminar wing,to be equipped with accommodation in home-like buildings. It is ajoint-use building for the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports,Science and Technology. It incorporates numerous methods forusing the natural environment and caring for its surroundings.We aimed to use the latest environment-friendly technologiesalongside natural materials that have been used through history andimpose small environment loads. In particular, we made full use ofgreen materials such as tile, cedar planks and brick on the exterior,with reused railway sleepers and recycled wood chip paving inoutside areas. Takashi OkamotoBuilding/ Retaining natural materials43環境親話2006まちから建築へ 日建設計―FACT-NIKKEN SEKKEI


