New Horizons in Structural Design April, 2008

構造デザインの最前線    FACT NIKKEN SEKKEI37are not particularly effective against lateral swaying, such as that generated by earthquakes. However, timber frames with tradition-al joint architecture consistently resist large deformations due to their flexibility and the unique property of compressive strain achieved with the artful use of wood. Using a variety of experi-ments, we test the aseismic capacity of each building by properly evaluating flexibility. We introduce further safety improvements based on the nature of each building and implement aseismic rein-forcement improvements in keeping with historical design.The 110 year-old Goeido of Higashi Honganji Temple is the world's largest wooden building. A tiled roof of over 8,000 m² is supported by giant roof trusses—a structure that imposes a tre-mendous weight on the wooden frame. Therefore, we had to care-fully examine the aseismic capacity of the structure. We adopted reinforcement approaches that would not decrease the deforma-tion-resistant capacity of the traditional wooden building, such as ladder-structured timber beams and dry earth-wall panels. The restoration work, which involves design that reflects these sophis-ticated concepts, is being carried out in cooperation with the Disaster Prevention Research Institute of Kyoto University. Helping to Preserve Japan's Cultural LegacyIn enhancing the earthquake security of traditional buildings, we are required to protect their historical value as cultural properties while also maintaining their beautiful design features. Traditional wooden structures, built in their original frame styles, require us to apply technologies that are completely different from the modern design approaches applicable to contemporary buildings. We aim to realize further achievements in this area in order to make a sig-nificant contribution to the preservation and development of Japa-nese culture.Tomio Oono, Yasuhiko Tashiro, Takao Nishizawa東本願寺御影堂 Goeido at Higashi Honganji Temple東本願寺御影堂の8,000m2を超える本瓦葺き屋根を支える巨大な小屋組。耐震性能についても慎重な検討の末、補強している。Aseismic capacity was examined for the giant roof trusses that support the tiled roof (over 8,000 m2) of Goeido.周防国分寺金堂 Kondo at Suo Kokubunji Temple真宗本廟両堂御修復・御影堂建築主 : 宗教法人真宗大谷派建設地 : 京都市下京区建物種別 : 宗教施設構造 : 木造階数 : 地上1階延べ面積:2,891.98㎡竣工 : 2008年12月Restoration of Goeido(Founder's Hall), Higashi Honganji TempleCilent: Shinshu Otani-haLocation: Kyoto, JapanMajor functions: Religious structureStructuer: WNumber of oors: +1Total oor area: 2,891.98 m2Completion: Dec.2008


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