Mr. Omatsu interviewed by top American business magazine "Entrepreneur"

An article featuring an interview with Nikken Sekkei President and Representative Director, Mr. Atsushi Omatsu, has been published in the American business magazine Entrepreneur.

The article, titled “Pioneering Excellence in Global Architecture and Urban Design”, appears in the May/June issue’s spotlight focusing on Japan’s Growth and Innovation, and is published on all Entrepreneur media on and off-line.
Mr. Omatsu appears alongside Japan’s Prime Minister Kishida and other top executives from different companies.

Established in 1977, Entrepreneur has accumulated over 45 years of experience offering contents on marketing know-how, latest technology, corporate finance information, management, cutting-edge business introductions, etc., targeting entrepreneurs and business managers. The magazine is a business media with over 3.2 million copies published worldwide and over 50 million online members.


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